a very small or concise description, representation, or summary."a thumbnail sketch".
synonyms: concise, short, brief, succinct, to the point, compact, outline, crisp, short and sweet, quick, rapid, summarized
Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of sketches, used to help in recognizing and organizing ideas, serving the purpose of showing a designer's investigation, closer study, exploration, research development of ideas in different perspective, angle, light source, composition.
- Size - can vary up from 3" height to A6 in size when a detailed closer study is required.
- Number of thumbnails - there's no limit to how many types of thumbnails there are. Or how many is needed as long as it does it's job well.
- Purpose - a thumbnail communicates your idea to your clients, so the more communicative the thumbnail, the better.
- Thumbnails can be supported by images to showcase color schemes, or impressions or style of execution to communicate further when marketing your idea.
- Examples below shows a variey way of doing this.
[ Category: Very simple initial draft ]
This thumbnail is entry level draft that shows a 3 simple composition & layout with 1 similar light source.
This thumbnail is entry level draft that shows a 3 simple composition & layout with 1 similar light source.

[ Category : Start of a better exploration to play with viewpoints. Each thumbnail carries slightly different variation of subject matter. Is the artist say Giraffe Conservation or Join Africa Tour? ]
This thumbnail explores 6 different way of composition & layout with details showing slightly different positioning of light source.

[ Category: A good exploration with closer understanding. Each thumbnail carries different subject matter. ]
This thumbnail explores multiple composition & layout with details showing dramatic light source, and uses text to explain key emphasis that is intended in the final outcome.

[ Category: Final idea is chosen, now fine tune with details of the final with variety of layout. Each thumbnail carries one same message. ]This thumbnail shows a chosen idea to work on with more details to show how 6 different composition & layout can chance drastically in emphasizing a message.

[ Category: Each thumbnail carries entirely different new ideas, but with very good detail study in order to give clarity to the client who sees it. ] This thumbnail explores 4 very different ideas, with details, showing light & dark and full composition.

[ Category: Each thumbnail carries a different emotion. Prior to this, artist would have had several study to determine an accurate emotion. ]This series of thumbnail explores 9 different emotions of a pillow whilst a pillow represents a character mimic study.

[ Category: Each thumbnail carries a different emotion. Prior to this, artist would have had several study to determine an accurate emotion/angle or even close up of Mr Bean's facial parts. ]This series of thumbnail of explores 9 different emotions of Mr Bean's facial expression from different angle.

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